Getting to know Gutenberg – Monday 12 February 2018 6.45pm to 9.45pm, The Bradfield Centre, Central Working, Cambridge
See: Meetup for up to date details
Gutenberg is the name for the new editor focus in WordPress. It is the future of WordPress, and will make creating websites much, much simpler. Tammie Lister will take you through a rough guide to the project. How it began and why it’s needed. Then, she will show you where the project is currently at and finally how you can also get involved. Join her and get to know Gutenberg.
Tammie Lister
Tammie works at Automattic, the company behind as an experience designer. She has a varied background including psychology, design, front end development and user experience. She is a contributor to WordPress and is currently the design lead for Gutenberg.
In other words Tammie is a leading UK expert on Gutenberg. We are hugely honoured she has made the time to present Gutenberg to us. Our meetup group website: with old presentations. Thanks Steve.
Thank you to TwinDots our sponsors
This meeting is sponsored by Twin Dots, the leading branding, design and development agency in Newmarket. Twin Dots has clients like Cambridge Marketing College, 450 GSM, Racing Welfare, and Devam the jewellers.
The usual format:
18:45: Roll up for a couple of beers in the foyer, & chat, mingle etc.
19:15 start: Everyone introduces themselves: 20 seconds max, mainly describing their involvement with WordPress.
2. Up to 4 * 3 minute pitches. Share discoveries, useful tips, requests for help with charitable projects. 3: WordPress News with our star reporter Ben Attenborough.
4. Main presentation Tammie Lister, Gutenberg
5. Clinic: Bring along a problem, and the audience will offer advice. If we can’t, maybe we’ll have a solution by next meeting. Kinda aiming to finish the formal part by about 21:00, depending on everyone’s enthusiasm to chat & discuss.
6. Beer & networking: We should leave by about 21:45 at the latest.