Tag: images

  • Resources for building accessible websites using WP

    The resources below accompany the talk on accessible website design, from both user and developer perspectives, given by Zuzana Kunckova and Elisabeth Klaar at the March 2018 meeting of Cambridge WordPress Meetup. Reasons for making your site accessible to everyone Disability affects 1 in 5 of the UK population – that’s 12.9 million people who…

  • Creating awesome images for your business presentation

    Creating awesome images for your business presentation

    Here are the slides from the “Creating awesome images for your business” presentation by Jemima Willcox. Jemima talked about creating images for use on your website and for social media. She also discussed how to find royalty-free images, using pictures of people correctly, sizing images and more. Check out the slides below:

  • Communicate memorable information

    Julia Wix spoke around communicating memorable information, including lively discussions around selecting the right imagery and how this reflects your brand and product. Details can be found here: https://www.meetup.com/wordpress-cambridge/events/233979836/